Saturday, January 14, 2006

Pigeon Recue on a Saturday Morning

Somebody called the firestation to rescue two pigeons who were entangled in some string and hanging upside down on a tree. These kind of incidents are common after Makar Sankranti (the kite flying festival), but maybe these two pigeons got too nervous in anticipation and hung themselves. The fire-engine was here in 20 minutes.

The fire-engine.

Firemen use a bamboo to bring down the two pigeons:

Fireman poses for me: (smile smile!)

Busy again, trying to free the pigeon.

The final cut:

The rescued pigeons:

After cleaning the wounds which weren't as bad as I had anticipated them to be, I borrowed some Neosporin powder from the medical store nearby to put on one pigeon's feet and the other's legs. A bystander asked the firemen why did they waste time in rescuing pigeons. The fireman said, if you were hanging upside down on a tree wouldn't you want to be rescued? After assuring me that they'd be here every time a pigeon had to be rescued, as they have been in the past, they left.

I missed the happy ending where the pigeons were whisked away in the fire-engine to be taken care of by firemen. They sat in the front seat looking quite happy. Once their wings heal, they will be released, hopefully in the same place from where they were rescued.

I suddenly realised I looked quite funny in pink pjs, a gray hooded zipper (to hide the shabby favorite cat-picture t-shirt inside)and hurriedly tied up hair. But I nodded and said "ye to humara farz hai" (it is our duty) to any thank-you's that came from grateful onlookers. I slouched back home as discreetly as possible.

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